Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How can I change the TONE of my dark brown hair?

At the moment its like the one on the right


I want it to be like this



http://www.bebo.com/PhotoAlbumBig.jsp?Pa... on the left

My hair has red undertones, where as my friend has golden undertones. how can i do this? my hair has been coloured in the past. im in England btw. I dont mind home colour, what do you recommend?


How can I change the TONE of my dark brown hair?

In all honesty, it could be the lighting where you are or the camera, but your haircolor you want looks like the same picture as the first. The reason that you have red undertones is because the undertone or underlying pigment of brown hair is red. Some of the people on here might tell you to get a light brown color from the store and apply that over top of what you have. However, Color will not lift COLOR. therefore to lighten it you can put blonde highlights in will give the hair the appearance that it is lighter that what it really is. If you want the whole hair to be lighter rather than highlights you will have to bleach out the color you have and deposit red pigment into the hairshaft prior to using a lighter color. I don't recommend you do this yourself because you will not like the results. And on top of it, the store bought brands have a metallic dye in them which often conflicts with salon brands making them usually a very ugly color. Please seek the help from a stylist in a salon rather than doing it at home. I would be upset to see you disappointed if you do it yourself and it doesn't turn out the way you want it. Also, if you use store bought color and you do chance using a lighter color to lighten up your color, you probably will end up black because previously colored hair is very porous and susceptible to grabbing it darker because it is not a lightener(bleach). Good luck to you.

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